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Learn GMAT exam pattern and its preparation tips

 GMAT is a computer adaptive test. In this test, a student's ability to read and speak in Standard English along with analysis and writing is also assessed. GMAT's full name is the Graduate Management Admission Test. Foreign universities have to take this test for graduate management programs such as MBA or Master in Finance. GMAT scores are recognized in more than 114 countries of the world.


The GMAT is a computer adaptive test rather than a computer-based test, which means a question is given to a student first, if he gives the right answer to that question then he is given a more difficult question. If he gives the wrong answer, he is given easy questions. Let us know that every university asks for different scores for admission. If you talk about the top level universities, then it is necessary for them to have at least 710 scores in the GMAT while 600 scores is also admitted in the middle level universities.


Learn the complete exam pattern of GMAT

The GMAT exam pattern has been changed since April 2018. This paper consists of four sections, in which different characteristics of the student are tested. The time of this exam has been reduced to 3.5 hours. This exam tests students' knowledge of quantitative aptitude, oral reasoning, analytical writing and integrated reasoning.

In this section only the number of questions has been reduced in the research section which is a non scoring section.



Number of questions

Analytical Writing Assessment

30 minutes


Unified Logic

30 minutes


Quantitative Aptitude

62 Minutes


Verbal Reasoning

65 Minutes




In the Quantitative Aptitude and Verbal Reasoning section, computer adaptive questions are asked which are multiple choice. Explain that the answer to the question once given in this section cannot be changed nor can it be changed a little. Once you answer, it is considered a final. An 8-minute break is given in between the exams which is optional. The score in this exam is assessed from the difficulty level of the questions the applicant has received.


If you have given the right answer to a difficult question, then you will get more marks. If you have answered the easy question correctly, you will get less marks. The result of the exam is found immediately after the end of the examination but it is not a final. The final score is released approximately 20 days after the exam.


GMAT exam preparation tips

To clear the GMAT exam, you need a good preparation and if the strategy and planning is done then it prove to be more effective. Here we are telling you some similar ways to succeed in the GMAT exam. Chances of succeeding in your examination will increase more.


Make a timetable for the exam - no work can be perfect without planning and the same can be said about this exam. Before preparing for the exam, make a time table of yours in which you should divide your time according to the given section. With this, fix your test date for the time when you feel that you will complete the preparation by that time.


Solve the GMAT test paper- There are many online options available for the test for GMAT preparation, for this you can also resort to the official website of GMAT where 2 tests have been given for preparation. Through this test, you will also get experience of giving real test which will increase confidence in you. All applicants who register on GMAT's official website use it. This software is used as it is at the time of the real test and the counting of scores is also similar to the real test.


Focus on your weaknesses

You can beat by any in the area where you are strong, but you need to work hard in the area where you are weak. For this you do not need to think much because the whole pattern of GMAT is in front of you. You choose your weak area from it and work on strengthening it.


Know and prepare for GMAT score

Applicants who have given GMAT exam first need to know about GMAT scoring. They need to know how many marks are awarded in which section of GMAT as well as how many scores are needed where they want to apply.

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